Monday 16 April 2012


Today's century is become so advance that any one can know about all thing means,computer and all other things.


Internet is become the ways to communicate,learning,information and much more but internet have it's own disadvantage which effects the children and young one,it also give good education but one side it effects the body and mind no through direct way but through in-direct way.Internet is no ta bad but it could be used in such good way by which it will not effect

Internet have services in which user can go:

  • radio
  • blogging
  • social networking
  • shopping
  • T.V channels
  • photo sharing
  • videos 
  • pictures 
  • file sharing
  • mp3
  • downloading
  • apps 
  • softwares

and much i have tell you "much more" beacuse i started telling you it will take much time,i am here to tell you in simple ways about internet.

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